are much busier for kitchen staff than other times. These of course can vary depending on where you are located and what type of restaurant you run, but in general there are specific periods when most restaurants and hotels get really busy with an overflow of customers. Usually in the hospitality industry and specifically the restaurant business, the period from April to August and November to January 1st are some of
the busiest periods of the year.
The months from April to August are usually busy because this is when the weather is fabulous and everyone wants to be out and about. In addition, these are months that many tourists visit as well, hence the crowds can become larger, making restaurants busy throughout the day. For those establishments located in other areas, the busy months may vary, for example those located near a ski resort will be busy during the winter months and not so much during other months of the year. The fact is that whether it is peak season or not, a restaurant can’t close down just because they don’t have busy days. As a solution for this many restaurants create seasonal menus, which are far different and contain different types of food fit for each season, and also try to earn revenue by creating take out or delivery during the slower periods.
Some of the slower days in the restaurant business are during Thanksgiving and Christmas, since most people have their celebrations centered around family and home. Although we may usually think that Christmas is a busy time of the year, it is not, because people prepare their festive feasts at home to invite close family and friends.
If you consider the weekly routine for a restaurant, some of the slowest days are Mondays and Tuesdays, and this is one o